Experience the perfect combination of modern housing & natural scenery.
Located in Lofoten, norway
The Guest House is the perfect weekend get-away housing. Located in the Norwegian archipelago, Lofoten, it's a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque aliquam odio et faucibus. Nulla rhoncus feugiat eros quis consectetur. Morbi neque ex, condimentum dapibus congue et, vulputate ut ligula.
Below you'll find information about the accommodation and what's included in the price. Don't hesitate to reach out to us vi the contact page if you have any questions around your stay.
The Guest House is the perfect weekend getaway cabin.
Sleeping arrangements.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque aliquam odio et faucibus. Nulla rhoncus feugiat eros quis consectetur.
The cabin is equipped with 12 beds, 4 of which are in bunk. The rent includes linens for all beds.
Spread out over two floors, the cabin offers 4 bedrooms. Ranging from 2 to 4 beds per room.
The cabin has three bathrooms, all equipped with showers and one with a bath tub,
The perfect escape.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque aliquam odio et faucibus. Nulla rhonc feugiat eros quis consectetur.
Modern Kitchen Appliances
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Outdoor Paths
Nulla rhoncus feugiat eros quis consectetur.
Coffee Maker
Vestibulum sit amet urna turpis. Mauris euismod elit et nisi ultrices, ut faucibus orci tincidunt.
Natural Scenery
Cras commodo consequat orci, in convallis risus egestas non.
Air Conditioner
Nullam scelerisque aliquam odio et faucibus.
Storage Solutions
Morbi neque ex, condimentum dapibus congue et, vulputate ut ligula.
Cutlery Selection
Duis tristique sed lorem a vestibulum.
Take-away Options
Nulla efficitur auctor hendrerit. Etiam ut orci varius, faucibus libero ac, cursus quam.